The Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention was created by a team of opioid-overdose reduction experts from academic and medical institutions in the four states where the Healing Communities Study took place: Ohio, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and New York. The CTH is a step-by-step process that puts community members at the center of all decision making and action to reduce overdose deaths. The intervention mirrors similar programs that have worked in communities to inspire change.
About CTH InterventionThe Overdose Crisis Community Decision Tool is a free web-based tool that assists community decision-makers and leaders in selecting proven strategies to reduce opioid overdose deaths.
This page provides guidance on how to take a community-led approach in selecting and carrying out overdose reduction practices in your community.
The three categories of evidence-based practices: Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD), Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND), and Safer Opioid Prescribing and Dispensing.