







10 Resources

Impact Story

Hamilton County Advances Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Jail

People who start medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) prior to release from jail or prison and continue taking MOUD as they reenter their communities are 75% less likely to experience an overdose. Learn about a program championed by the sheriff's department and community partners in Hamilton County, Ohio, which ensures incarcerated individuals can access treatment prior to release.

Impact Story
New York

Emergency Housing for Opioid Treatment

Providing emergency housing to support entry into and reentry from treatment for opioid use disorder: A behavioral health and law enforcement crisis responses team collaboration in Ulster County, New York.

OEND, Overdose Prevention, Naloxone
Impact Story
New York

New York's Peer-led Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Programs Build Trust, Save Lives

In New York state, more than 1,000 overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) programs are educating citizens about how to prevent and respond to an overdose. Read about three examples of community-led programs that work to spread information about overdose and get naloxone into the hands of people at highest risk.

OEND, Overdose Prevention
Impact Story

Overdose Recognition and Response for Bystanders

A printable trifold brochure that instructs bystanders on how to identify an opioid overdose, call for help, and administer naloxone and rescue breathing.

OEND, Naloxone
Impact Story

Cash Stipends for Peers Distributing Naloxone and Providing Harm Reduction Services

Providing cash stipends to peers (people with active drug use) to distribute naloxone and provide harm-reduction services within their social networks

OEND, Naloxone
Impact Story

EMS Naloxone Leave-Behind Program

Providing community members with naloxone via EMS Leave-Behind programs

Safer Prescribing and Disposal
Impact Story

Partnering with Pharmacies for Medication Drop-Boxes

Using existing systems and collaborating with community pharmacy partners to create and promote medication drop-box/safe disposal locations.

Community Engagement
Impact Story

Using Community Listening Tours to Build a Diverse Coalition to Reduce Overdose Deaths

How a community listening tour helped build a diverse and representative coalition committed to reducing overdose deaths in Jefferson County, Kentucky.

Community Engagement
Impact Story

Engaging People with Lived Experience through Photovoice

Engaging People with Lived Experience of Opioid Use through Photovoice in Belchertown and Ware, Massachusetts.

Community Engagement
Impact Story
New York

Using a Readiness Assessment and Membership Checklist to Build a Diverse Coalition in Rochester, New York

Utilizing a readiness assessment and coalition membership checklist to build and engage a coalition that aligns with the community's priorities, experience, and capacity for opioid overdose prevention in Rochester, New York.